Regular prenatal check-ups are an essential part of maintaining a healthy pregnancy. Once you had a positive pregnancy test, the next thing you should do is schedule an appointment with an OB-GYN for your first prenatal check-up.
Your first appointment with your doctor is usually the longest and most comprehensive one. A lot of tests will be done to see if you and your baby are in good condition during the start of the pregnancy journey. If it’s your first time and you’re not sure what to prepare during the first visit. Here are the things that are usually done on the first prenatal check to give you an idea.
Confirmation of Pregnancy
First of all, your obstetrician gynecologist will conduct a urine and blood test to confirm your pregnancy even if you already had a positive result on a home pregnancy test. This is done to confirm that you’re really pregnant before doing the other tests.
Overall Check-up
Your doctor will also conduct an overall health check to see if your body is handling the pregnancy well. You’ll get a general health exam such as a heart, lung, and abdomen check. Your blood pressure will also be checked and serve as a baseline reading for your next check-ups. Your body measurements will also be taken such as weight, height, and also an assessment of the uterus and pelvis.
Laboratory Tests
You’ll also undergo a lot of laboratory tests during your first prenatal appointment. This is to be sure that your body is good during the pregnancy and to detect problems and treat them earlier. The most common tests performed on the first visit are urine tests, blood tests, Pap smear, and blood sugar tests. A genetic carrier screening to know if you’re a carrier of genetic conditions. All of these tests are done to see if you are healthy during the start of the pregnancy and to help maintain that good condition all throughout the end of it. When health problems are detected early on, they can be treated immediately and won’t pose a risk to the pregnancy.
Learn More about Pregnancy
Aside from keeping you and your baby healthy. Your doctor would also support you in your pregnancy journey by giving you a lot of information. How to take care of yourself properly when you’re pregnant. What to do in certain situations related to your pregnancy, and many more.
Know the Due Date and See Your Developing Baby
Some doctors conduct an ultrasound during the first visit to make a more accurate estimate of the due date. They would also know the condition of the fetal development inside the womb, during the start of the pregnancy. In some cases, other doctors wait a little later in the pregnancy before doing an ultrasound so there is more to see.
There’s nothing to be nervous about getting your first prenatal check-up. Now that you know what to expect, you’ll be able to prepare yourself more and even all the things you want to ask your doctor about the pregnancy.