Leather products look classy, rich, graceful, and stylish when compared to synthetic fibre products due to their natural texture. Today, markets are full of duplicate leather-looking products but marked as ‘made of pure leather or something like that to attract and fool people. Products like wallets, belts, bags, and many more are sold at a cheaper rate than the original one.
We can hardly trust men’s leather wallets online as online products cannot be touched and feel as if they are real or fake leather products. Men’s leather wallet bifold can be judged if it is genuine leather or not as the folded part of the product can help identify that the product is made of real leather. Ultimately, we can say that the real leather shows elegance rather than the fake one.
There are different kinds of leather: Full-grain leather, top grain leather, corrected grain leather and split leather, which is the lowest. There are some ways in which a pure leather product can be identified.
1. Unpolished and rough edges are the main feature
As said earlier, we can identify if the leather product is genuine or fake by realizing that the product is having rough edges. The real one will never have a smooth finish rather it will have pores as it is made up of animal skin. And if the product is very smooth then it might be made up of faux.
2. A wrinkle test can be done
Once you visit a shop for the real leather product, you must press the product to check if the product is getting wrinkled or not because when an original leather is stretched and then released, the product will show the effect as it takes time when coming to its original form. Fake leather products remain unaffected when scratched while the real one regains their originality.
3. Water soak test
We can try a water soak test on a leather product as when water is poured on the leather product, it will automatically absorb the moisture but when the same is done to a fake leather product, then water floats on it.
4. The burning test can be done
When a genuine leather product is burnt, the product will not catch fire but releases a fleshy texture and also gives a pungent smell. But when a fake leather product is burnt, it releases a burning plastic smell.
5. Structure Test
When a real leather product like a leather bag is kept straight then it does not fold its structure but when it comes to the fake leather product, then the bag folds itself. It also shows the overall quality of the bag as it will look more elegant.
6. A smell test can be done
For the smell test, a person should have a sense of smell that can identify the originality of the leather product. Real leather gives a leathery kind of smell but if the product has a synthetic or plastic smell, then it is made up of faux leather.
7. Buy from a genuine company
Money is earned by doing a lot of struggles. So it is always suggested to think twice while purchasing a product. When it comes to a leather product, you might be fooled easily because a lot of fake leather products are sold in the market but if you buy from a trusted company or a reputed seller, you and your money can be saved. It will be an expensive yet long-lasting and genuine leather product.
8. The label should be focused
Every item has a label attached to it. So when you buy a leather product, you must check the label when you go offline, and also when the product is bought online, we must check the description if the product we are buying is labelled as ‘100% real leather or not.
9. Genuine leather is expensive
When you buy a leather product, you must check the price as the real leather product is never sold at a reasonable price rather it is expensive. Real leather products are never sold at half price or discounted price. Most of the sellers try to copy a branded company. Company logos can be copied, but the real one always wins when it comes to quality.
Genuine leather products will always show their originality, be it men’s leather wallets online or offline, depending on the company and also the seller. Men’s leather wallets’ bifold can also decide the wallet’s original quality. So whenever you go to purchase a leather product, you must check it twice based on the above points before spending money.