Yoghurt is a popular dairy product made by fermenting a type of culture that produces lactic acid. It contains both Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophiles cultures. It has been consumed by people for years and years.
They have been ingredients in many traditional recipes. been a snack and as well as a proper breakfast food. It has also been one of the key foods, our mothers had fed us when we were babies. Because it is one of the most nutritious foods and eating it on a regular basis will boost several aspects of your health as well. So, we will look into a few of the main health benefits of having yoghurt.
Rich in nutrients
A yoghurt almost contains each and every supplement that your body wants. It is quite known for the fact of having a lot of calcium, which is a mineral required for strong teeth and bones. It is said that just one cup of yoghurt affords 49% of your daily calcium requirements.
This is also high in B vitamins and mainly vitamin B12 and Riboflavin, the vitamins which protect us against heart diseases and neural tube birth defects as well. A yoghurt cup also provides 38% of your daily need for phosphorus, 12% for magnesium and 18% for potassium. These minerals are important for biological processes like regulating metabolism, blood pressure and bone health.
High in proteins
Yoghurt provides a large number of proteins. Protein is an important component of the process of metabolism. It supports metabolism by increasing your energy or the number of calories that you burn throughout the day.
Receiving a considerable amount of protein is also important for appetite regulation, as it rises the production of hormones. It automatically reduces the number of calories you intake. This may be very helpful for weight control.

Some varieties benefit the digestive process
Varieties like live bacteria and probiotics are present in some types of yoghurt. These are present in coconut yoghurt, which plays an important role in the body. It improves digestive health, protects from infections and reduces the risk of colon cancer as well. They may be a part of the starter culture or added after pasteurization. To make sure your yoghurt has actual probiotics, look for one that has lived, active cultures, which will be listed on the label.
Protection against Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a health condition that weakens bones, making them almost fragile and more likely to break. Yoghurt contains some key nutrients for maintaining bone health, including calcium, protein, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin D as well. So, all of these vitamins and minerals will play an important role in preventing osteoporosis.
Supports your immune system
Consuming yoghurt on a regular basis will also strengthen your immune system and reduce the probability of you being infected by illness immensely. Because yoghurt contains probiotics that are known to reduce inflammation.
So, these are a few of the main health benefits of consuming yoghurt and it has a lot more benefits too. It impacts your brain in a positive way, benefits heart health and helps in weight management too.