In December 2021, a photograph of Ariana Grande’s face went viral. While some fans praised her sexy, Asian appearance, others accused her of ‘Ariana Asian fishing‘. The singer has not responded to the allegations, but fans have reacted to the photos in the comments section of the pictures.
The controversy around Ariana Grande’s Asian-fishing photos came to light when she posted a picture on her Instagram account on December 1, 2018. Many people are attempting to fetishize Asian culture to appear more attractive or desirable. This practice of ‘Asian fishing’ is similar to blackfishing. In addition to using photo-editing apps to enhance the victim’s appearance. Asian fishing can lead to the sexualization and fetishization of the Asian culture.
While Ariana Grande has come a long way from her time on Nickelodeon as Cat Valentine, the recent controversy surrounding her music has caused a lot of debate. While fans praised her new look, some questioned her ethnicity and accused her of Asian-fishing. Fans have taken to Twitter and comment sections to debate the issue. While some fans agreed with the accusations, others defended the singer, claiming that “Asian-fishing” is not a problem.
As the infamous Cat Valentine said, Arianna Grande has come a long way since her days on Nickelodeon. Amidst her fame, the pop star has also faced criticism for her Asian-fishing. The practice is often considered offensive and problematic and has drawn comparisons to blackfishing. The accusation was made after the pictures circulated on social media in December 2021. While the singer has not commented on the controversy, fans responded to the photos with comments and tweets. Some agreed with the accusations, while others defended the singer’s looks.
Teen singer has come a long way from her Nickelodeon
The teen singer has come a long way from her Nickelodeon days as “Cat Valentine.” However, the controversy surrounding her recent Asian fishing is not new. After all, the social media star has been subject to lot of criticism, both her looks and her body language. While some have expressed disappointment at her decision to delete the photos and She removed the Image.
The singer has been under fire for her recent photos of Asian fishing. While she has come a long way from her days on Nickelodeon as a Cat Valentine, she has been the subject of many controversies. While she has not commented on the allegations, she has responded to fans’ reactions on Twitter and in comments sections. Some of her photos were deemed offensive, while others were criticized for their lack of authenticity.
Although Ariana Grande has come a long way from her days on Nickelodeon as “Cat Valentine,” the controversy surrounding her appearance in the December 2021 images is still fresh. While some fans applauded her good looks, others have criticized her for Asian fishing. In the meantime, the singer has yet to respond to the controversies, but she has received many ‘likes’ and supportive comments from fans.
not non-asian people felt uncomfortable and offended by ariana grande "asian fishing" shit 💀 while us, Asians / SE Asians didn't even notice it and had nothing to say about it.
y'all just love to let successful woman down, don't you?
— Alfie 🏳️🌈 (@AlfieVelasco) December 5, 2021
While Arianna Grande has come a long way since her days on Nickelodeon. The controversy over her Asian-fishing photos is not a new one. The singer is far from the cat-loving days she had on Nickelodeon. In short, an Asian-fishing photo shows a non-Asian person trying to pass as an Asian by applying makeup, using photo editing, or wearing stereotypical Asian girl outfits.
While Ariana Grande has come a long way from her days as Cat Valentine on Nickelodeon, her Asian-fishing photos have caused a backlash online. The pictures showed a woman in a bikini accused of ‘Asian-fishing.’ The practice of Asian fishing is similar to blackfishing. Still, it involves a non-Asian person pretending to be an Asian by using photo editing and makeup. Often, it involves a stereotypical costume, resulting in a ‘distorted’ image.