Commercial trucks are one of the biggest machines on most roads, and they are also prone to road accidents. Due to the weight and size of these trucks, drivers should maintain a safe distance. If you are a truck driver, you should observe all traffic rules to avoid getting caught up in accidents.
Here are some of the most common causes of commercial truck accidents that claim so any lives on the highways.
Bad Weather
While it may seem obvious that weather is a factor in many accidents, it’s actually one of the most common causes of commercial truck accidents. Rain, snow, fog, and wind all pose challenges to drivers on the road. Add to this the fact that trucks have large blind spots making them difficult to see in bad weather and you’ve got yourself a recipe for disaster.
Rainy conditions affect visibility as well as traction control, which means wet roads can make for slippery driving conditions that can cause your truck to slide out of control when you least expect it!
Snow makes it harder for drivers who are used to driving on roads with little or no snow accumulation during warmer months. The reason being is because there’s more resistance from having more snow on the road surface than when there isn’t any at all – especially if we’re talking about freshly fallen snow versus packed ice! So if you live where there isn’t much precipitation throughout most of the year, then think twice before heading out into those icy streets. You could put yourself at risk just by stepping foot outside!
Drunk Driving
One of the most common causes of truck accidents is drunk driving. Drinking and driving can lead to serious injury or even death, so it’s important to know how alcohol affects your body and its reactions.
Drinking alcohol slows down your reflexes and reaction time, making it difficult to respond quickly in dangerous situations. Alcohol also affects your judgment, which makes it hard for you to make sound decisions about driving safely at night or when there are other drivers on the road who may be impaired themselves.
To avoid causing accidents while driving a commercial truck, avoid taking alcohol or other drugs while on the road. This way, you’ll save yourself and other drivers from the anguish of dealing with road accidents.
Disregard for Speed Limits
The speed limit on the highway is there for a reason—to help prevent accidents. Given that commercial trucks are much larger than passenger vehicles, they need extra time to stop before hitting other vehicles or objects in their path. In addition to increased stopping distance, driving too fast can cause equipment failure and driver fatigue, which could lead to an accident if you’re not careful about how you drive.
There are many reasons why truck accidents happen. Bad weather is one of them. Other reasons include drunk driving, disregard for traffic rules, and overloading. If you ever get into a truck accident, you should hire a commercial truck accident attorney to help you with the legal processes.